Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Is it Smallmouth Time Yet?? Getting Close......

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I got the opportunity to spend a few hours on a nice little smallmouth stream with a couple of good friends this past weekend.
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Of course we had to pick the coolest , overcast day to hit the water instead of one of those sunny warm days of the previous week. Unfortunately the rest of the world doesn't revolve around my fishing schedule (but it damn well should if you ask me!)so you just have to take what you can get, when you can get it.
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We only landed a couple of fish , small ones at that , but had some opportunities that would have turned the tables and made it a pretty good day of fishing if things had worked out differently. Sometimes it happens like that and all you can do is pay your dues and hope for better luck next time.
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We were still pretty happy with the results of the day regardless of the fish count. We got to huck some streamers, catch a couple fish and see several more visual eats that we should have caught , all while enjoying some good company floating down another one of the Ozarks finest.
Needless to say ,those fish had better not let their guards down now....we'll be back very , very soon and next time we're bringing our A-Game!
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  1. Like your approach to the season and to the Smallmouth. Your fish will come. Getting everything synchronized is just a matter of time and then the angle wins the game of fishing.

    1. Thanks Mel...Kind of like a runner stretching out before a marathon , we just got loosened up and ready to get down to serious business next time!

  2. The Smallmouths are always pretty from the Ozarks. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks Jay...I agree , some of those tiger-striped smallies are just about the coolest looking fish that swims around these Ozarks waters.

  3. Great companionship, fresh air and a fish or two= fine outing.

    1. Couldn't agree with you more Alan , a great way to spend the day.

  4. I'm not sure I'd know what to do on a river looking for bass. I've only caught them out of ponds. Glad you got out and thanks for taking me along for the ride.

  5. The great thing about these creeks is that they are as clear as most trout streams which means you can see a lot of the eats. Makes it that much more fun.

  6. I hit my Ozark stream up your way. Still having to go deep. I still find they aren't very active just yet but those rock bass are hitting hard. I'm still getting soft strikes with smallies.

    1. We're getting the same thing , fish that just don't want to commit to eating or fish that just want to play with their food instead of really eating it. It's getting close though and the action is still good enough for me to put away the trout boxes.

  7. tick, tick, tick, Smalllie time is coming! Need to plan a trip after Cinco. I have the whole week off!

  8. It's already here for me , I'm in full smallmouth mode right now. I am still thinking about a trip up to the Driftless again this Spring though.

  9. Replies
    1. Raz is another great dog. She's a little more wound-up than my old boy Joe but still a pleasure to spend the day fishing with.
