Thursday, April 28, 2016

Lazy Lake Afternoon

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Got an afternoon earlier this week to throw my buddy in the backseat and hit a small local lake close to the house. Nothing exciting, didn't even really fish much. Dabbled around with an indicator and a small wooly bugger close to shore and landed a few small crappie, bluegill and green sunfish. Just a beautiful afternoon to kick back and relax with my best friend.....
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  1. Jeff, that's exactly what a lazy afternoon should look like. We could all use a few of those.

    1. I agree Howard. It's nice to slow down every once in a while and just relaxxxxx.

  2. There's really something special in outings like this one. Good to see you and Joe out together enjoying the outdoors.

    1. Thanks Justin. I'm not sure who enjoyed it more, Joe or myself.

  3. A nice way to spend some time with you buddy.
    Joe say's thanks.

    1. When you're in the presence of good company even just a relaxing day at the lake has it's rewards.
      I just wish a few of those crappie would have been big enough for a hot oil bath!!
