With the Thanksgiving Holiday right around the corner my presence was required at home and the flyrods sat forlornly in the corner all weekend. Instead I spent my time getting some small projects done around the house and then my wife and I began preparing for the family to arrive for the big meal on Thursday. Decorations were drug out of the basement and placed around the house and I even completed the always entertaining task of getting the Christmas lights hung. As part of all this I was instructed by the wife to clean up my fly tying desk and make my room presentable so I took advantage of it and did a little organizing that had needed to be done for quite some time. It's amazing to me the amount of materials a fly tyer can accumulate over the years and even more incredible how hard it is to keep it all somewhat organized so you can find it when you need it. Of course I tied some flies off and on as I usually do when I'm stuck at home. I re-stocked the GRHE's and PTN's , both simple ties that never fail to catch fish , and then tied up something new using some materials that I dug up while cleaning.
It's a caddis pattern using Henry's Fork Hackle for the collar , thus the name. Not sure how durable the CDC will be but it looks good in the vise so I'll give it a shot next time I get out. It was an easy fly to tie and should work well in most of the Ozark streams I spend my time fishing. Following is the recipe for anyone interested in adding a couple to their own arsenal :
Hook...Daiichi 1250 Caddis Hook / Upturned Eye
Thread...Black 6/0
Body...Insect Green Ice Dub in a Dubbing Loop
Back Carapice...Pheasant Tail Fibers
Rib...Copper Wire
Collar...Henrys Fork Hackle (Natural Color) Palmered
Nice work. They look like winners!
ReplyDeleteGreat looking flies! Fish catchers no doubt!
ReplyDeleteThose are really beautiful! So delicate looking, but I bet they're killer!
ReplyDeleteJ&M Flies , G Lech , EMB....Thanks guys , I liked the way they turned out but the true test will be what the trout think of em. Now if we can just get past the holiday weekend so I can possibly find some time to get back on the water and try em out. Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving!!
ReplyDeleteGreat looking flies. I'm sure that drifting cdc will entice a few good strikes.
ReplyDeleteAYearOnTheFly - thanks...I actually sunk one in a tub of water and thought the CDC added a nice movement to the fly. I'm inteersted to see what the fish think of it.
ReplyDeleteGreat looking caddis! I really like the CDC. Looks like you got a winning pattern there.
ReplyDeleteI hope you had a great Thanksgiving.
Sanders - Thanks man...Hope you had a great Thanksgiving as well , I'm still trying to work off the 20 lb turkey and all the fixings I stuffed in my face last Thursday!