Long weekends at the lake...outdoor cookouts with friends...sunsets on your favorite little farm pond...chewed up poppers...bass thumb, the list of my favorite things about Summer could go on seemingly forever. When it comes to the Summer season it always seems as though there's just so much happening it's difficult to focus ample time on any one activity.

Luckily for me, I live in an area of the country where I can fish pretty much year round so I don't have to try and cram a years worth of fishing in between runoff and the start of a brutal Winter season.
In all honesty, Summer can be one of the more frustrating times of year to fish a good number of the rivers I enjoy spending my time on. Not necessarily from a fishing standpoint but more from an enjoyment standpoint, mostly due to the hordes of floaters (ie. - drunks in canoes) that descend upon the waters this time of year. For me, it's almost comparable to the way many look at the New Years Eve holiday...let the amateurs have their day and get back to it when the crowds are gone. Oh, I'm still getting that itch scratched one way or another most weeks, I just don't take my fishing too seriously this time of year.

I did a solo float on a small creek just last week (on a Wednesday to hopefully find a little solitude) and probably should be embarrassed to admit that I spent as much time swimming in the holes as I did actually fishing them. One of the best days I've had in awhile, a couple dozen smallmouth on blockhead poppers and deerhair bugs (biggest might have went 12 or 13 inches)and plenty of chances between fish to play around in the cool water. Good times for sure...just not very exciting to write or read about.

Yesterday I was walking through that big-box home goods store that everyone loves to hate, when I saw something that instantly put me in a better mood...aisles packed with back-to-school supplies!! I had a great Spring for smallmouth fishing this year and I'm definitely looking forward to trying to repeat a few of those trips once the temps begin to cool and the infamous "aluminum hatches" of the Ozarks are a distant memory.
Just wanted to let folks know that I havn't went over to the darkside, traded in my 7 weight for a bag of clubs and a pair of girly looking golf shorts or anything so life changing. While I can't imagine that anyone actually even noticed that I havn't posted in what seems like an eternity, I just had to set the story straight. I've been called everything from a dirty ass nympher to a fine collection of names that aren't even remotely suitable for print...but a golfer, that one hurts!