For the second year in a row I had the good fortune of being invited to attend a good friends small fishing trip that happens every year on Cinco De Mayo. The location has been moving around the last few years but this year it was happening at one of my favorite Missouri rivers , the Current. The number of attendees changes as well depending on those inevitable unforeseen circumstances we all encounter , this year there were five of us. Kevin , Terry and myself all arrived on Wednesday and got the party started , while Don and Mike graced us with their presence on Thursday evening. As with most multi-day get togethers that happen in the circles I run in , the week was filled with lots of killer camp grub , adult beverages on occasion and some fishing (of course).

The first day was spent dividing our time between setting up camp , fishing and drinking. Not neccesarily in that order. We did a little wade fishing around the Tan Vat access since it was conveniently located right across from our campground. This river always seems to fish pretty good and this trip was no different , we were able to land a good number of rainbows and browns by nymphing and throwing small streamers.

Nothing of any real size was caught , but no one fished terribly hard and it was a good start to a long weekend of fishing. The day ended the way all perfect days should , a good meal..a little drink and then a nightcap of stories around the campfire.
Thursday we had plans to float from Parker Access down to Cedar Grove , a short distance of about two miles but long enough for a good afternoon of fishing. We didn't need to rush with such a short float so we spent some time around Tan Vat again first thing in the morning before breakfast. There were a few more people around than I expected to see on a weekday but I guess that's what you get when the weather is predicted to be so nice in early May. No worries for us as we were just killing a little time before hitting the river anyway , once on the water and floating we knew we'd have the place pretty much to ourselves.

By the time we got the vehicles shuttled and gear loaded on the boats it was around 10:30 or so , with only a couple miles to float we didn't need to rush and took the time to enjoy the scenery and fish pretty much every likely looking hole we passed. The Current is indeed a beautiful river and at times it was hard to stay focused on fishing and not just sit back and take in the sites.

As expected we didn't encounter any other floaters or fishermen and thoroughly enjoyed our short float , catching numerous bows out of most areas we fished.

It was getting close to 4:00 when we finally pulled the boats up on the bank just below the Cedar Grove access , a little hot...a little tired and a lot thirsty!

We downed a few cold beverages in the parking lot before heading back to pick up our other vehicle and settling around camp for the evening. I'm not real sure what "normal people" do for fun , but damn I sure can't imagine a better way to spend the day.
Friday we had the whole crew on board and again planned to spend the day floating , this time a little longer stretch from Baptist to Parker. While still not a long float , this one was about 5 1/2 miles so we decided to forego the early morning wade fishing and head out after a big camp breakfast.

We were pushing off by 9:00 , two canoes and me in my pontoon with nothing to do but take in some of the rivers beautiful scenery and try and catch a few fish along the way.

Time always flies by when you're doing something you enjoy and it seemed like we'd barely gotten started when a quick glance at my watch told me it was already a good time for a lunch stop. There's something about eating outdoors , especially on the water , that just makes everything taste so much better. The food may not have been anything special but the scenic view from streamside made up for that in spades.

After lunch the beer started tasting better , which probably didn't help out anyones luck with the fishing. I do know that everyone caught enough fish to make for a great day as everyone was nothing but smiles at the takeout. After getting the five guys and three boats all loaded into our one shuttle vehicle we headed back to pick up our other vehicles and then make our way back to camp.
After unloading boats and gear we all kicked back for awhile and traded stories of the days float over a couple of ice cold beverages.

Most everyone was satisfied to just sit around camp relaxing for the remainder of the evening but of course I had to be the oddball and decide to hit the river again for an hour or so before dinner. My hopes were to throw streamers up until it got too dark to see what I was doing and hopefully stick one of the big browns that I know inhabit the river.

For the first time I actually had the entire access to myself , for as far as I could see both upstream and down there wasn't another soul. This is the kind of fishing that I enjoy most , an evening to wade the river tossing streamers for browns in complete solitude. Used to be I'd have said that most of my time spent stalking trout was done with nymphs and indicators but I've since seen the light. There's just something about swinging or stripping a streamer through the water column with the anticipation that the predatory nature of that fish is going to make him give chase and attack. It's a feeling you just don't get when nymphing or for that matter even dry fly fishing and it's what I seek each time I hit the water. Now if I just had a story and picture of the big brown that I landed that evening the tale would be perfect , unfortunately stories don't always end that way. I will say that my biggest fish of the weekend (he'd have went 5# pretty easily) gave me every opportunity that night , I was stripping an articulated sculpin pattern when a nice brown came from behind a boulder and swiped at the fly. He missed with his first attempt , then came back again and inhaled the fly , my adrenaline level was so high at that point that I set too hard and promptly snapped the 3X tippet I was using. Lessons learned...don't go after an elephant with a BB gun (I knew better than to use wimpy 3X while fishing for the big guys) and shit happens (sometimes the big ones get away , such is fishing). I finished out the evening catching a couple smaller browns and several rainbows before heading back to camp for dinner and a beverage.

That night we ate like kings , wild pig loin cooked over an open fire..sweet corn cooked in the shuck..firepit baked potatoe and a pot of settlers beans. It's a good thing these trips only happen once a year or I'd have to renew that old fitness membership again!

Saturday I had the task of getting packed up and hitting the road once again. The rest of the guys were staying another night but I had other engagements that required my presence back at home. It didn't take long to get everything packed back in the truck , although I just know that one of these trips I'm not going to get everything back in that I took out , it's always a little tighter fit on the return trip. I said my good-byes and thanked the guys for inviting me along. I hope they'll contemplate putting up with me next year when the time rolls around once again. Even though I had a 5+ hour trip back home the day was still young and I hadn't gotten my fill of fishing just yet (nor will I ever!) so I decided to hit the Baptist access for an hour or so before I had to get serious about the ride back. A couple last rainbows were landed before calling it a wrap , that's how I like to finish off a good fishing trip. Another great one in the books for 2012 , here's to the next , whenever and wherever it might be.
What a sweet trip. That food in those last few pics got me droolin :) Some great pics and beauty fish as well. Thanks for sharing. Tight Lines.
ReplyDeleteThanks...Something about food cooked over an open fire , it just tastes better!
DeleteGreat report. Those are some hefty trout.
ReplyDeleteYou have a fondness of black pepper...me to.
Thank you sir...Should have been some pics of even better fish but you know how it goes.
DeleteLots of fresh ground black pepper , best thing for camping or outdoor eats are those small disposable sea salt and black pepper grinders.
beautiful water and fish, and some good food to go along.
ReplyDeleteThanks Blake...It was every bit as fun as the pictures make it out to be , that river is a beauty for sure.
DeleteGreat looking trip, good friends, good food and good fishing... priceless!
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by Doug , and yeah what you said!!
DeleteGood write up buddy! Almost like I was there.
ReplyDeletePlanning the next float trip already. End of the month work for you?
End of the month is Memorial day...won't catch me anywhere near a float river on that weekend. The aluminum hatch is already building up steam.
DeleteGreat trip! You know how to do it right. And I loved your thoughts on streamer fishing--couldn't agree more. That bruiser will be there waiting for you when you get back.
ReplyDeleteThanks Jim...I know a lot of people that think dry fly fishing is the "Holy Grail" , but for me I'll take throwing big streamers anyday. I like the rise as much as the next guy but I prefer my fish with an attitude , those streamer fish come out looking to kill something!
DeleteAhh that looks like such a wonderful trip. Very jealous. Sorry i haven't replied to anything or posted in a while. School has been taking up all my time. Thank god summer is in a week. Tight lines Jeff and glad to see the reports.
ReplyDeletelooks like a great trip, thanks for the pics!!
ReplyDeleteIt's hard to say what would be better, the fish that you were catching on some pretty substantial meat...or, the meat you were eating over that open flame.
ReplyDelete...maybe I'll just choose the beer and friends.
Sounds like a great Cinco for sure!
Atlas - I know exactly how you feel , I've been busy myself lately.
ReplyDeleteOnce summer starts and you've got more time we still need to get together and do a little fishing.
Casey - Glad you enjoyed them...thanks for stopping by.
Sanders - The fishing takes my vote but the food was a pretty close second! I'm pretty easy , just getting away every once in a while keeps me happy and sane.
Beautiful spot and fish. Some of my best memories have come from those annual trips. Hope you can keep it up.
ReplyDeleteJeff - Thanks...I have to agree with you , as I get older I tend to look forward to those annual trips that become somewhat of a "Tradition". While spur of the moment is great there's just something about the anticipation and excitement that comes with a trip you know about well ahead of time.
ReplyDeleteAmazing water to have all to yourself. Great posts. Consider yourself followed. By the way, what kind of camera do you use? Http://sparetimefish.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteThanks Anthony...glad you enjoyed the blog.
DeleteMy camera is just a fairly cheap P&S , a Panasonic Lumix (one of the older ones) with 10 mp. One of these days I'll get serious and get a real camera!!
Jeff, I pulled in there in the Pop Up camper with the tiki lights around the awning Thursday night and saw you guys there. For some reason that I can't put my finger on, I had a hunch you were in that bunch, should have followed my instincts and come over and said hi. We had a great trip too. Got to fish Tan Vat to Baptist, then the cable back down to Tan Vat on Friday and never saw a person on the water. With all your watercraft, we figured you were going further downstream. I've never seen the river so full of fish in those areas, inluding a few whopper browns we spotted. I tried every trick I've learned from our friend at Taney to stalk a few of them but no luck. Guess I'll have to catch you another time.
No kidding..wish you would have come on over and said Hi. Glad you guys had a good trip , that river is pretty hard to beat when it's fishing like it was. I would have liked a little more water for my streamer fishing , but who's complaining.
DeleteNever had much luck sight fishing to those Current river browns with nymphs , I prefer to throw big ole meaty streamers.
I know this is a little short notice, but I will be/am considering heading to Kingman on Thursday, not sure if you would like to join? Let me know.
ReplyDeleteAtlas - would love to join you but I work this weekend unfortunately. I havn't got out to fish for any toothy critters this year yet and I was really hoping to. You'll have to let me know how you do and maybe we can put a trip together on a weekend I don't have to work if it's worth it.
DeleteAwesome blog...I notice you use a fish cat pontoon. I've actually been considering one but am slightly nervous about floating alone. I would pretty much be using them on the Current and 11 Point. Would you recommend them even if floating and fishing alone?
ReplyDeleteGarrett - Thanks , glad you enjoyed the post.
ReplyDeleteI've floated both of those rivers in my pontoon and can say that I never had any issues with the boat. I float by myself all the time and honestly feel safer in it than I would in a canoe or kayak. With their wide stance they are pretty much impossible to flip on our class II waters here in Missouri. I also like the lower profile style toons that don't catch as much wind , with a light current and an upstream wind some of those higher profile boats can be a bugger to oar. If you get one and need someone to float with give me a holler , maybe we could set something up , I love both of those rivers you mentioned and am always looking for an excuse to make the trip down!
Thanks so much. Never really thought about them catching wind (thanks for the tip). I'll definitely keep in touch as I'm always looking to get on any of the rivers or small streams here in MO.